Quick Setup > Personalizing > Upload new Logo
Uploading a new Logo is probably one of the first things you will do to make your Hotspot into something that ties directly to you and your business. It will take nearly any kind of graphic, although GIF, JPG, and PNG types of graphic images probably have the most universal acceptance with your client's browsers. There is a size limit of 100K per logo.The site logo will be most often seen when your customers are using the Hotspot. It is presented during the login screen, the welcome screen, and the failed login screen. The ticket logo will be printed on your tickets, and is only used for that purpose. This allows you to print specialized and distinctive tickets for different events or seasons.

To upload a new logo, just click the browse button and select the logo file you wish to upload, then click the upload button. Wait a couple of seconds for the file to be saved before you review your results. The new site logo will be displayed on the Show Login page if you wish to see it as your customers will.